I’ve known Meredith for many years now, she’s a fellow intercountry adoptee, born in China and adopted to the UK. She’s also a law graduate and a talented musician whose music features in the ICAV Video per professionisti released in 2021.

I met up with her face to face at the recent INEA Congress in the Netherlands and it was such a delight to give her a huge hug and spend some time together.

She has since sent me her latest song which she would like to share. After listening to her newest song, I told her I thought it was very courageous to share what I’m sure many adoptees like me will say, is “our deepest and most vulnerable feelings about our parents whom we have often never known and lost via intercountry adoption“. Her music resonated with me and brought up that sadness I’ve always carried about not knowing who my parents are either. I can so relate to her song and I’m sure many adoptees will also connect to her lyrics, the feel, the rawness!

Music is a powerful medium to portray to help non adopted people understand how profound our grief and loss is which we carry for the entirety of our lives. For some adoptees they carry it without realising what it is, for many others like myself and Meredith, we remain very much aware and need to find creative and other outlets for what we bear inside.

Bravo Meredith! I encourage fellow adoptees to find your outlet and channel your inner energy and complex feelings to give voice or expression to what you endure. It can help us to heal somewhat and make sense of our existence.

Have a listen here:


Dolore in adozione

Our Separation Bears Down on Us

Perdita, desiderio e dolore

Your Grief is your Gift

Il trauma inerente alla rinuncia e all'adozione (podcast)

Tossicità e dolore

If the Moon could be my Birthmother Now

Adottare Paura e Vulnerabilità

Il mio viaggio di adozione

Origins Matter

Imparare a soffrire da bambini


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