All Inclusive-grupper

Here is a list of intercountry adoptee led groups who include adoptees of any country of origin, based in receiving (adoptive) countries:

Australien has InterCountry Adoptee Voices (international peer support network and advocacy hub) and Adoptation (regular online peer support group for Australian local and intercountry adoptees).

Belgien has Adoptie Schakel och L’écho des adoptés Belges (French) and special focus group for Truth & Reconciliation about intercountry adoption in Belgium is Critical Adoptees Front Europe (CAFE).

Kanada has French language based L’Hybride och RAIS both in Montreal.

Kanada has English language based: Asian Adoptees CanadaTransracial Adoptee Community of BC (TAC, in British Columbia), Adult Adoptee Network is a meet up group (for all adoptees) based in Ontario, Subtle Asian Adoptee Traits (SAAT Canada).

Other organisations based in Canada run by intercountry adoptees who have a special focus:
Colours of Adoption is a Montreal book project founded to bring together an intercountry adoption anthology in French.
Out of the Fog is a podcast co-created by Ethiopian adoptee.
Adoptees On is a podcast and source of many adoption support resources by domestic adoptee.

Denmark has Transracial Adoption Skandinavien.
Special focus group Danish Korean Rights Group (DKRG) works to obtain recognition of human rights abuses in intercountry adoption from Korea.

Europa Subtle Asian Adoptee Traits (SAAT) Europe

Finland has Vuxna Internationellt Adopterade i Finland (VIA)

Frankrike has La Voix Des Adoptés (VDA), Entre Personnes Adoptées.
Special focus groups to represent illegal intercountry adoptions in France, is I AM och RAIF

Germany has Adoptierte aus aller Welt

Italy has AdoptCloud, ArP Adoptic, Associazione Nazionale Figli Adopttivi (ANFAD)

Nederländerna has Adoptie Cirkel, Adoptee & Foster Coach (AFC), Adoptie Superhelden in Beweging, Adoptiecafe, Wereld Kids (for teenagers)

New Zealand has I’m Adopted led by intercountry adoptees but is a global network for all adoptees (domestic and intercountry)

Norway has Adopsjon i endring (AiE), UTAD Critical

Spain has La voz de los adoptados (run by domestic adoptees but has some intercountry adoptees)

Storbritannien has ICAV UK, Transracial Adoption, a new advocacy group which includes domestic and intercountry adoptees UK Adult Adoptee Movement, a new support space which includes all adoptees The Dunbar Project

USA has I Am Adoptee with a subsidy program for mental health counselling, Subtle Asian Adoptee Traits, Transracial Adoption, and Yeondae; and the following orgs are inclusive of domestic and intercountry adoptees Adoptees who cut ties, Fireside Adoptees, BIPOC Adoptees, Network of Politicized Adoptees

Adoptee led orgs with resource info but no longer active: Adoption Museum Project, Transraciala ögon, International-Adopt-Talk, Unite Our Dream, San Francisco Bay Area; Kära adoption, Kampanj för adopterade rättigheter (ARC), AQA (Asian, African, Aborigine/Autochtones Queer Adoptees)
