Musings by Jayme

Jayme relaxed

Collection of Jayme’s thoughts on being a Sth Korean intercountry adoptee raised in USA but having travelled extensively, collecting DNA samples from KADs worldwide and currently residing in Germany.

DNA Testing: The Risks vs Rewards

Min DNA-historia

Parenthood Made Me Better

Not Good Enough

Monarchs and Viceroys: Interracial Couple Issues

Bitter Medicine

Adoptionstrauma, inte alltid för alltid

Understanding Positive Millennial Adoptees

Gul snö

Korean Killdeers

The Janus Tree

Vem är jag?

Negative Externalities of Intercountry Adoption

The Girl on the Plane

Varför? (Why did his adoptive parents adopt him?)

Korea’s Revised Adoption Process


Exceptions to the Rule

South Korean Adoptions: An Economic Analysis

Crane Mimicry

Stranger than Fiction

The Crying Girl

Förlorade syskon

Remembering Origins

Kära främling

The Other Half Left Behind

skär dig djupt
