Decolonizing Moses

经过 郑凯拉, 从中国领养到美国。

Growing up in an evangelical white Christian home, I learned the story of Moses before I learned the story of Santa or Easter Bunny. White Christianity was a core pillar in my years growing up. Like Moses, who was orphaned and floated down the Nile to be rescued, adopted and raised by Pharaoh’s daughter, then to grow up and save his people the Israelites, I too now bear that responsibility. After all, I was an orphan, affected by policy, soared across the ocean to be raised by another people, and it was my duty to one day go back home and save my people, just like Moses did for his.

As I look back to a painful time of adolescence, scarred deeply by shame, guilt, white Christianity, and white saviorism (an extension of white supremacy), I also laugh at the irony of the story. As an adoptee who advocates for adoptee rights and the abolition of the adoption industrial complex, I am bombarded by demands to be grateful for the good white people that saved me. In lieu of being denied basic human rights, autonomy, forcibly rehomed, bought, and sold; I am still gaslighted into silence for speaking out. I am shamed for holding the systemic institutions of racism, capitalism, western imperialism, white saviorism, and the exploitation of vulnerable communities for the benefit of whiteness, accountable. Bombarded by the message that I should be indebted to the west for all the best it has given me: opportunities, education, escape from the clutches of poverty, and most importantly, my chance at salvation and living under the blood of Jesus Christ! I am never far from someone condemning me for my lack of gratitude, reprimands of how my story is not an accurate representation of their understanding of adoption and its beauty. The ones who curse my name are not and have never been a transracial, intercountry, transcultural, adoptee of colour. 

I always appreciate the irony that Moses, like myself, would have been hated for what he did. The Moses that is praised for saving his people and admired by millions of people around the world are the same people, who condemn me and my stance on abolition. Why? Moses turned his back on his adoptive family and people. In fact, it could be argued that Moses is responsible for drowning his adoptive people in the Red Sea. Moses was seen as a prince, had the best education money could buy, in the wealthiest family, and had unlimited opportunities. Moses escaped the absolute clutches of poverty and slavery, yet he gave that all away, turned his back on his adoptive family, and everyone accepts that he did the right thing. Moses is hailed a hero, his actions are justified and his choice to choose the love of his people and family goes unscathed. Why is the love for my people and family any different? 

As I have aged, studied, and examined the exploitation of the privilege, power, and systemic oppressive policies that are pillars in upholding the adoption industrial complex, I give back a burden that was never mine to bear. A multi billion-dollar industry that profits from family separation and the selling of children to the wealthy west and mostly white communities, I no longer feel a sense of doom in carrying the mantle of Moses. Rather, I embrace and hope to be the Moses for the adoption community. I have no desire to save my people, as adoptees have no issue in wielding their own power. I aim to liberate adoptees and remove barriers for adoptees to access tools to liberate themselves. Yes, I will be your Moses and I will provide a path through the sea of guilt, shame, obligation, and much more. I will be your Moses and watch the adoption industrial complex drown, with all of its supporters. Yes, I will be your Moses, just not the Moses you expect me to be. And when you ask me to look back at my adoptive family and all that the west has given me in hopes to shame me, I will point to your scriptures and show you that Moses chose his people over profits. Moses had his loyalties to abolition; Moses chose to relinquish prince-hood, power, and the most pampered lifestyle and what most would consider a “better life”, for the right to reclaim his birthright in family, culture, race, and identity.

So, when you ask me to be grateful, I will smile and remind you that it is in fact you who should be grateful, I could have drowned you.


《 “Decolonizing Moses” 》 有 7 条评论

  1. Joy Smith——苏格兰西南海岸——我是一位将近 60 岁的女性,她职业生涯的大部分时间都在卫生行业度过。在进入补充卫生部门之前,我有 20 年的普通护士护理经验。首先,我获得了按摩和芳香疗法的资格,然后开始了 McTimoney Chiropractic 途径。我在 1998 年获得资格,自从获得资格以来,我一直在自己的诊所“Aligned with Joy”工作。在这段时间里,我开始意识到我们的身体健康往往反映了我们的情绪健康,并帮助许多人克服了障碍,这些障碍是对付他们身体疼痛的额外奖励。我目前正在进行更多的研究,这次是在 Upledger Institute 成为一名颅骶治疗师。我也在写一两本书。第一个是我作为 McTimoney 脊椎按摩师工作的回忆录,第二个是我接受被收养的生活。我现在致力于为人们的生活带来更多快乐。您可以在 Facebook 上加入 Aligned with Joy 社区

    Wonderful Post. I wish you had the option to reblog the posts you publish. So many of them really speak to me and I want to share them wider. Blessings Joy x

    1. Feel free to share our link for this post Joy.

  2. Beautiful!!!
    Call To Arms! Time to change the narrative.
    Thank you 🙏

  3. Wow, this was powerful. Thank you for writing this!

  4. […] Read Kayla’s most read article: Decolonizing Moses […]

  5. […] most popular articles: Decolonizing Moses & Atlanta […]

  6. asdfjklafsdlkjafds

    I never thought about it this way. You honestly made me curious to question my current beliefs and attitudes. Looking forward to learning more. Thanks for sharing.



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