

Search and Reunion Support

DNA 柬埔寨 (DNA searching support)

Peruvian Adoptees Worldwide (Peruvian family searching support)

Adoptee Led Healing Supports

Alicia Williams Integrative Trauma Informed Psychotherapist

安德烈·约翰斯通 心理咨询师

内在 (由 Marie Gardom 领养)

艺术治疗 蒂亚特雷夫

Coach4Expat 作者:Florence Chabert d hieres(外籍家庭的跨文化教育和辅导)

KaiMing Holistics by Kellan Bacon (breathwork and somatic practices)

A list of domestic adoptees in the UK who are therapists


有关跨国收养者领导的非正式同行支持的列表,请单击 这里.

英国国际航空航天局 is our space dedicated to intercountry transracial adoptees.

Another group for transracial intercountry adoptees led by Debbie Nahid, Transracial Adult Adoptee Network

For connection to domestic adoptee peer support and advocacy which includes intercountry adoptees, 成人收养运动

For domestic transracial adoptee support and education, Dunbar Project

Professional Supports

This centre specialises in complex trauma and although not specifically adoption informed, is trauma, grief and loss informed. One of them specialises in “Intercultural Psychotherapy”

For domestic adoptee led support, the OLLIE Foundation has created two videos specific to adoption:
放弃的创伤 与嘉宝伴侣

Adoptive Parent Led Support

收养英国 which hosts its own adoptee led spaces regularly
