
Here we provide a list of intercountry and transracial adoptee led post adoption services located in the USA:


325卡姆拉 (提供给所有韩国跨国收养者的DNA检测试剂盒)

CCI Birth Family Search (Chinese adoptee peer support in searching)

Colombian Birth Family Searching

埃夫提基亚项目 (Greek adoptee searching support)

治疗普恩特斯 (总部设在美国哥伦比亚 Colombian adoptee 为哥伦比亚收养者和家庭提供搜索/团聚服务)

重聚行动 (Vietnamese adoptees internationally searching for their Vietnamese families using DNA)

The following are Adoptive Parent led organisations that facilitate search and reunion:

Catalyst Foundation (return to country and searching service for Vietnamese adoptees)

Ethiopian Adoption Connection (EAC) (searching service for Ethiopian adoptees)

International Adoption Birth Family Search (searching service for Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, Georgia, Armenia, and other countries of the former Soviet Union)

国际寻童联盟 (searching service for Chinese adoptees)

Research China (searching service for Chinese adoptees)


收养治疗师 (咨询的综合清单)

收养马赛克 / 阿斯特丽德咨询 (咨询、同伴支持、教育)

采用健康 (咨询,总部设在威斯康星州)

超越言语咨询与咨询 (咨询,总部设在加利福尼亚州)

Copihue咨询 (总部位于德克萨斯州亚利桑那州)

D.E.A.R Abby Counselling (based in Texas)

福布斯心理治疗实践 (总部位于康涅狄格州纽黑文)

远足心脏咨询服务 (总部设在威斯康星州、佛罗里达州和夏威夷)

Jade Shapiro (based in Maryland)

马塞拉莫斯洛 (创伤和游戏治疗,总部设在纽约)

Meg Eifrig 悲伤疗法 (总部设在伊利诺伊州)

梅金南霍尔茨 (咨询总部设在纽约)

正念宽恕 (总部设在夏威夷,通过 zoom 提供免费的正念训练)

MCS顾问 (咨询,总部设在德克萨斯州)

诺玛咨询 (被收养者的同伴指导和养父母咨询)

Oh Myo Kim (cognitive therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, eating disorders, based in Massachusetts)

Patrick Robinson (counselling, based in Minnesota)

Susan Branco-Alvarado

疗法已兑现 (辅导、被收养人及收养家庭的免费初步咨询)

无条件收养 (针对青少年和年轻成年被收养者的治疗和指导,专门从事性虐待咨询)

约菲疗法 (儿童、成人、父母的治疗)

Adoptee led organisations that provide financial assistance with a mental health provider: 收养者团体IAMAdoptee

被收养的治疗师,精选于 收养者 (由 Hayley Radke 在加拿大运营的播客——国内收养者)

其他专业CASE 领养主管治疗师 (不是被领养的)

Other Post Adoption Services led by Adoptees

领养者中心 (各种收养后服务,总部设在明尼苏达州)

AdopteeBridge 收养桥 (各种收养后服务,总部设在明尼苏达州)

阿马拉 (收养后计划,总部设在华盛顿州西雅图)

西莉亚中心 (领养、寄养支持所有星座,总部设在洛杉矶)

Chinese Adoptee Alliance (formerly FCCNY)

斯彭斯蔡平 (有成年被收养者的青少年导师计划,总部设在纽约)

The Inclusion Initiative (for foster alumni and transracial adoptees looking for career and professional development support and network)

Language Services

Learn to speak Korean fluenty with Robert’s support. His mother is a Korean intercountry adoptee.

Legal Services

A domestic USA adoptee and lawyer who specialises in helping intercountry adoptees with cases of citizenship, deportation, accessing paperwork, adoption discharge, see Adoptee Rights Law CentreAdoptees United run by Gregory Luce.


For a comprehensive list of intercountry adoptee led informal peer supports around the world by adoptive country or birth country, click 这里.
