Die Lüge, die wir lieben

von Jessica Davis, adoptive mother in the USA who adopted from Uganda and co-founded Kugatta, an organisation that re-connects Ugandan families to their children, removed via international adoption.

The lie we love. Adoption.

I’ve heard people say that adoption is one of the greatest acts of love, but is it? Maybe what adoption is and has been for the majority of people isn’t really as “great” of an act as it has been portrayed to be.

Instead of us focusing on the fairytale imagery of the new “forever family” that is created through adoption, we should be focusing on how adoption means the end of a family; the absolute devastation of a child’s world resulting in the separation from everyone and everything familiar to them. When the focus is misplaced, we aren’t able to truly help the child and as a result often place unrealistic expectations on them. Expectations of gratefulness, bonding, assimilation and even expecting them to “move on” from their histories.

So what reason is acceptable enough to permanently separate a family? Poverty? If a family is poor is it okay to take their child? OR wouldn’t it be more loving and more helpful to invest time and resources into economically empowering the family so they can stay together?

If a child has medical needs the family is struggling to meet is it then okay to take their child OR is it a greater act of love and human decency to assist that family so they can meet the needs of their child and remain together?

If a family has fallen on hard times is it then okay to take their child? OR should we rally around the family and help them through the difficult time so they can remain together?

What about a child that has lost both their parents? Is it then okay to adopt the child? OR would it be a greater act of love to first ensure the child gets to live with their biological relatives, their family? Why is it better to create a new family with strangers when there are extended biological relatives?

What if a child lives in a developing country? Is it then better to take a child from their family to give them access to more “things” and “opportunities”? To give them a “better life”? Is it even possible to live a “better life” separated from one’s family? OR would it be a greater act of love to support that family so their child can have access to more things and opportunities within their own country? To build up the future of that country, by investing in and supporting that child so they can become the best they can. How does it help a developing country if we keep needlessly taking away their future doctors, teachers, social workers, public service workers, etc.?

I don’t know much about domestic adoption but I know a lot about intercountry adoption and these are some of the many reasons I hear over and over as validation for the permanent separation of a child from their family, biological relatives and country of origin.

Parents and extended family were given no option (other than adoption) when seeking help/assistance. What choice is there when there is only one option given? Not only are the majority of these families not given any options they are often told their child will be “better off” without them and that keeping their child is preventing them from these “great opportunities”. This mentality is wrong and harmful to their child.

So much of the adoption narrative is constructed around a need to “rescue” an impoverished child by providing a “forever family” yet 70%-90% of children adopted abroad HAVE FAMILIES. What other things do we continue doing in adoption knowing 4 out 5 times we are doing wrong?

Some say the greatest act of love is adoption, I say the greatest act of love is doing everything in one’s power to keep families together.

I titled this post The Lie we Love because it seems that so many of us love ADOPTION (and the fairytale often perpetuated by it) more than we love THE CHILD themselves. This is demonstrated every time a child is needlessly stripped from their family and culture, all while we as a society cheer on and promote such a process. This happens when we aren’t first willing to do the hard task of asking the tough questions; when we would rather ignore the realities at hand and live the “fairytale” that some problem was solved by adopting a child who already had a loving family.

Someday, I hope things are different: that more and more people will come to realize there isn’t an orphan crisis but rather, there is a family separation crisis happening in our world and adoption is not the answer, in fact it’s part of the problem. Intercountry adoption has become a business with massive amounts of money to be made and little to no protections for those most vulnerable because most of us sit in our comfortable first worlds and are happy with the fairytale. Adoption is truly the lie we love!

For more from Jessica, she and husband Adam were recently interviewed in this Maybe God podcast : Does Every Orphan Need Adopting.

See Jessica’s other Artikel at ICAV and her Good Problem Podcast with Lynelle Und Laura as a 3 part series by Leigh Matthews.


3 Antworten zu „The Lie We Love“

  1. I agree with you 100%, Jessica! The more I read the “behind the scenes” stories of the heartache caused by unnecessary adoption, the less in favor of it I am. (My husband and I were actually discussing this very topic during lunch a little while ago.)

  2. I admire your honesty and integrity for doing the right thing for that little girl who belonged with her own Mother and family. You were true to God’s Word, by taking care of ‘windows and orphans’ when you found out the truth. For adopters who agree with your view that children belong with their own famiies and in their own country and culture, do they revoke the adoption they inflicted on the child, so the child is forever free of them? Not much good knowing your family but being forced to continue living with adopters, often very far away from your true family.
    I wonder what your views are on PAPs/ adopters who feel entitled to take other people’s children and force them to live as ‘their children,’ thereby perpetrating child abuse, mental illness and a lifetime of trauma on these children, then adults. Even as adults, the adopted can never get away from adopters unless they change their names and disappear, which many do. There are two categories of adopters, 1. Saviours of ‘orphans’ and 2. Narcissistic people, who feel entitled to covet and help themselves to other people’s children because they cannot have their own. Surely the answer for the infertile would be to accept God’s will for their lives and if they need to be involved with children, involve themselves in relatives children or neighbours childrens’ lives or support vulnerable teens, etc. The welfare of the child is never thought about by either of these types of adopter, (excluding your good self) who assume the child will love what they have done TO them. Most do not – and would perfer to not have been born at all than to have adoption perpetrated on them.

  3. […] more from Jessica, read her blogs:Adoption: Neat & Tidy? Not so much!The Lie We LoveNot A Tourist AttractionThere Isn’t an Orphan Crisis, It’s a Family Separation […]

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