去年,我跑了一个 网络研讨会 关于跨国和跨种族被收养者与种族主义的经历,以帮助提高认识并作为一个社区表达这些共同经历。为了进一步解决我们社区在这方面缺乏资源的问题,我通过 关系澳大利亚 小额赠款和助学金计划 聘请 色调, a lived experience company who specialises in anti-racism workshops. Together, Hue and ICAV are offering a much needed space for adoptive parents to discuss, raise awareness, and process some of these issues involved in race, racism, and intercountry / transracial adoption.

Our workshops are free and will be provided as a three part series, as an anti-racism program tailored specifically to Australian intercountry and transracial adoptive parents. Parents from other countries are welcome to join, understanding that the program is being delivered from an Australian perspective (but still relevant to other countries) and in an Australian timezone. Each workshop is capped at 40 to ensure maximum benefit for participants.

The first workshop in the program will cover an introduction to race and racism, developing our understanding and critical thinking around systemic racism and injustice. The second workshop will explore whiteness or white dominant culture, and the ways that our attitudes, and ways of life are impacted by these cultural systems, particularly in an intercountry adoption context. Adoptive parents will complete their series with a workshop on allyship, developing skills for challenging racism when they see it, and supporting their adoptive children through their experiences.

以下是有关 Hue 及其协调人 Elsa 的一些信息,我曾与她合作定制这些研讨会以适应我们的社区体验:

色调 是一个种族和社会正义组织,由两名有色人种女性创立,提供一系列易于接受、引人入胜且基于优势的培训计划。他们的研讨会由具有生活经验的人提供便利,为所有知识水平提供参与式和细致入微的学习体验。他们还为希望对其政策、流程和工作文化实施有意义变革的组织提供持续的支持和咨询。

艾尔莎(她/她)是一位酷儿、犹太和中国有色人种女性。她是一名教育者、促进者、组织者和表演者。她是 Hue 的联合创始人,Hue 是一家反种族主义和社会正义组织,为组织提供培训和咨询。此前,她是 Democracy in Color 的培训总监,并在 Switchboard Victoria 的董事会和 QTIBIPOC 董事会委员会任职两届。她拥有社会工作和心理学背景,并撰写了关于来自多个少数民族遗产的多种族人如何处理他们的种族身份的荣誉论文。 2020 年,她被授予 Out for Australia's 30 under 30,表彰 LGBTQIA+ 榜样和领导者,2022 年,她入围 7NEWS 社区服务和社会影响青年成就奖半决赛。她热衷于平台化生活经验、建立社区力量以及在此过程中进行康复。

养父母研讨会的关键日期是:7 月 23 日、8 月 6 日和 8 月 20 日澳大利亚东部标准时间下午 1 点开始。每个工作坊持续 3.5 小时,中间有休息时间。通过小组分组讨论鼓励输入和参与。这不是一个坐下来听的研讨会,但如果你觉得这样做很舒服,那也没关系。

If you would like to RSVP as an adoptive parent to participate in our workshop for adoptive parents only, please click on the RSVP image:

非常感谢 澳大利亚联邦政府,DSS 通过资金使这成为可能 Relationships Australia ICAFSS、小额赠款和助学金计划.




了解 InterCountry Adoptee Voices (ICAV) 的更多信息


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