
Katia’s song 唯一的孩子 is 1 of 6 adoptee created music sound tracks used in ICAVs recently released 专业人士的视频资源.

经过 Katia Marcello, adopted from Chile to Australia, music songwriter and producer.

I’ve waited so patiently to share my first New Release of an original song I wrote and produced.  

I believe timing plays an important part, and that’s exactly why I felt I was ready to write and release a song about my past .  

唯一的孩子 was written for all the Chilean adoptees worldwide and their families who had their basic human rights taken and stolen from them. This occurred under the Dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in the 70s, 80s and 90s. 

I was one of those children adopted out in 1981, knowing only what my parents had been told — that I was abandoned by my mother. It was in 2019 that I learnt the truth.

I was placed in a nursery by my biological mother who signed abandonment papers because the only support system she had, was telling her to give me up, that she had nothing to offer me. My mother fortunately did register my birth but the staff at the nursery got upset asking her why would she do that. My mother responded, saying that she loved me and didn’t want to lose me. The staff answered her, “The children of love do not live, sign this and you will be giving a better life to your daughter because giving up for adoption is also an act of love.”

This piece is for all those who have suffered loss and pain, for those who have been reunited with loved ones and for those who are still searching. 

I hope this song helps create some awareness. Finally, and most importantly, I hope we can put an end to Illegal Adoption and Child Trafficking, not only within Chile but throughout the world.

A BIG thank you to the talented Petra Acker for helping me create 唯一的孩子.




了解 InterCountry Adoptee Voices (ICAV) 的更多信息


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